Blue Ridge School has announced the students who made Headmaster’s List and Dean’s List for the winter trimester of the 2022-2023 academic year. To be named to the Headmaster’s List a student must have no grade below a 90 and a GPA of 3.6 or above. To be named to the Dean’s List, a student must have no grade lower than an 83 and a GPA of 3.0 or above. Congratulations, Barons!
Headmaster’s List
Abdullah Abdelfattah
Francisco Arroyo Cruzat
Matthew Bergeron
Eric Blanchard
Sebastian Bosquez
Brody Burrell
Ryan Chen
Ricky Cortines Rama
Manu Di Santo
Minh Do
Ben Gyllensvaan
Ahmed Hassan
Sam Higgins
Carson Hoewe
Connor Horan
Sébastien Hribik
Logan Hughes
Jay Kim
Idan Kogan
Cohen Lemcke
Ace Nichols
Takahiro Ochi
Mark Paschelke
Steven Pu
Kayle Ryan
Young Shim
Jacob Smuckler
John Sullivan
Ian Valdimarsson
Anselm Wasinger
Padraic Wasinger
Josh Werner
Cameron Wheelans
York Ye
Dean’s List
Eduardo Acosta Vasquez
Enzo Bera Mutaganda
Santiago Bravo
Cam Brewer
Nick Canning
Kasey Chadwick
Sam Charboneau
Joe Corrigan
Noel Dalton
Zander Flint
Oakley Fox
Logan Fruehwirth
Collin Gest
Alex Jones
Yukihiro Kawaguchi
Luka Kelleher
Roki Kim
Urgen Lama
Brandon MacPhaille
Nico Martinez Pont
Dayo Matsinhe
Jake McGehee
Jackson McWhorter
Alexander Menning
Hudson Miller
Jackson Moret
Eliott Nahon
Robby Naylor
Aito Omura
Andrew Orders
Rex Pietras-Weed
Fatih Respati
Addison Samuelson
Dillon Schlopy
Charlie Searby
Sidney Shyaka Rwizihiza
Matt Sinor
Levin Smith
Garrett Talkington
Kentaro Yamaoka