Pictured from left: Palmer Young ’70 was honored at the June meeting by Chairman of the Board Dickie Brawley ’69 on his 65th birthday and for his service to Blue Ridge both as a former Alumni Director and current trustee.
Members of Blue Ridge School’s Board of Trustees met on June 23 and 24, 2016. This august body holds two-day meetings on campus three times a year. The group is comprised of successful and dedicated alumni, alumni parents and friends of the School.
During the June meetings, the trustees selected the next leaders of the board as Mr. Dickie Brawley ’68 will step down as chair this November. Mr. Brawley has been a board member since 2008 and has ably led this group since July, 2013. For more on Mr. Brawley, click here.
Mr. William Mitchell “Mitch” Rue, Jr. ’81 was elected as the next chair. He will assume the office in November. Mitch has been a trustee since 2009. He has served as the Vice Chair of the Board as well as the Chair of the School Advancement Committee, which was instrumental in completing Blue Ridge’s most recent marketing and branding project. For more on Mitch, click here.
Alumni parent Mrs. Jill Kalinski was elected vice chair. She will also assume her office in November. Jill, mother of Sam ’13, joined the board in 2013. She had served as president of the School’s Parent Association from 2011 to 2013. For more on Jill, click here.
During the June meetings, the trustees received updates on advancement and admissions efforts as well as reports on the School’s character education program and the technology plan for 2016-2017 among other items. The School’s energy task force also presented a plan to improve energy conservation on campus. Mrs. Robin Cline, current president of the Parent Association, presented an update on the parent group’s fund-raising plans for the year. The PA funds many activities and events that enhance the boys’ experiences on campus.
Following committee meetings, the group reconvened and approved the following efforts: Phase II of the BAC that will begin in August as well as the new technology classroom and maker space that will be completed this summer. The new technology initiatives are designed to better prepare our students for the technology they’ll need to succeed in college and beyond.
Board members agreed that by all accounts it was a banner year for Blue Ridge as they celebrated the completion of Phase I of the Baron Athletic Complex (BAC), significant enrollment growth and impressive fundraising results. The group proceeded to make a significant commitment to energy conservation and sustainability by approving approximately $2 million in energy infrastructure. This will be the first step in meeting the School’s goal to reduce energy consumption by 20 percent before 2020.