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Vision Quest at Blue Ridge School

A Vision Quest is an ancient tradition found across the globe. It is an opportunity for the participant to remove themselves from the familiar distractions of life with the intention of quieting the mind and body so as to be in communication with their deeper selves, nature and Creator. It can be used as a time of prayer, reflection, clarification and insight. 

Eligibility - not just for BRS boys

The Vision Quest is available to BRS students as a part of their experience, but other interested questers may apply. Our hope is that other youths and adults will benefit from this experience and gain a further understanding of how they can beneficially improve their lives and those around them. 

High School Seniors: Both boys and girls. 

Adults – Alumni, parents, faculty, other interested parties connected to BRS. 

Risks and Risk Mitigation

While the quester is isolated, they are not actually alone. The protector team is immediately accessible to attend to any physical needs a quester may have. There are generally only three rules a quester must follow. They must drink water, take any prescribed medication, and use their “marker boxes” to communicate any needs and affirm that they are still safe. They have clothes and shelter with them and are able to use them as needed.

Despite this, there are still inherent risks. The quester will be fasting from food (not water) for 24 hours. They are in a wilderness/camping setting, so the risks are similar to that. The elements/weather are unpredictable and natural dangers from insect bites (ticks & bees), poison ivy etc. are a possibility. However, the vast majority of these are negated through the preparedness process set up by the protector team.  


The Vision Quest is available at no cost to BRS seniors as we consider it a part of their Blue Ridge School character values educational experience. 

Non-BRS questers are asked to make a voluntary donation to participate. This is not a payment, rather it is intended to cover the expenses incurred in running this program. This allows BRS to continue to offer this experience to others who are called to it. 

Suggested donation for a 1 day quest: $300

Suggested donation for a 4 day quest: $800


“Reflecting upon my experience, I consider the Vision Quest a disconnection from society, and its experience gave me a self-reflection opportunity throughout disturbing and stressful high school life, making significant changes in my perception of the world. 

In our daily lives, we are surrounded by busyness and distractions, chasing intangible expectations that people set endlessly. As a teenager, I lived in such a chaotic world that I lost sight of who I was or wanted to be. That is why the Vision Quest became a turning point in my high school career. 

Surrounded by Mother Nature alone, I felt a sense of weakness as I felt its significant power. I was initially frightened, but after a certain time, I began to sense myself submerging in nature and becoming part of it. This was the moment I felt a disconnection from society and a reconnection with nature, in which nature depicted my reflection like a mirror. It was mind-blowing, yet it brought me a sense of calmness and peace in me. Throughout the Vision Quest, I was disconnected from the community and my daily life, which finally enabled me to connect to myself.”

-Takahiro Ochi

“The Vision Quest was my first opportunity to set away the responsibility, roles and expectations given to me/expected of me by this world. A chance to realize there is far more to be uncovered than the “large noise” of life; feeling the flow of time through the movement of ants and the fall of the leaves. 24 hours is short compared to our lifetime, but it was a powerful experience that is still contributing to my journey of exploration.”

-Wai Kwan Ng

“One of the things I needed to decide upon at my Vision Quest was which school to attend the following year: Towson University or High Point University. I was really torn between the two and asked which one would be the best school to attend. I was surprisingly told neither was a good choice. I left the Vision Quest still feeling quite confused and decided to declare my commitment to Towson. But on the day I was to put down my deposit, I got an acceptance letter from Howard University. Attending Howard has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life to date. It opened up opportunities that I could never imagine. Looking back, the Vision Quest indeed led me in an unexpected direction and it certainly has enriched my life. “

-Selorm Kalitsi

Please submit completed application and waiver to Hans Hermanson at


-High School seniors may participate in a 24 hour Quest over Easter break, April 17-21, 2025

-Adults (post high school) are encouraged to participate in a full four day Quest in June, 2025 (dates TBD)

Quest Timeline

-2 days of preparation on the BRS campus. Classes to prepare the quester, site prep, mental preparation.

-1 to 4 days in isolation, in nature in a fixed location. This time will be spent removed from all things familiar, allowing the opportunity to connect with nature/self/creator/God. Quest protectors will be in contact via marker boxes, to ensure the safety of the quester.

-1 day of journaling after the Quest, including guidance on how to incorporate the wisdom gained into normal life. 


  1. Quester must drink water
  2. Quester must continue to take any prescription medications
  3. Quester must use the marker box daily to communicate that they are safe to Quest protectors. 

Quest Protectors

Hans Hermanson has been a Religious Studies teacher and administrator at Blue Ridge School since 2012 and was trained in Quest Protection by Bill Howard. Since taking the protector training, he has helped run voluntary quests at Blue Ridge School for graduating seniors and students of his Shamanism class and is hoping to open the Vision Quest to other schools and youth groups in the area. 

“My passion is teaching and my Vision is opening up experiences for young people to have the opportunity to connect on a deeper level with themselves, nature and the Creator. I have had many mentors on my spiritual journey and am grateful for the opportunity to help others find their true selves.”

Bill Howard was trained in Quest protection by Malcolm Ringwalt and has experience questing and protecting large quests (>30 people). He runs questing programs in Virginia with Earth Reconnect. “Over the course of my life I have been called to serve mostly in the role of protector. I was also called to seek the physical and spiritual skills of the ancients. My path has lead me to military service, religion, martial arts, and various other searches. Finally, in my 40’s I stumbled across the teachings I had so longed for. They combine the physical, the spiritual and so much more. Now in my 50’s I wish to share what my teachers so unselfishly shared with me. Maybe, just maybe, this sharing will help lessen someone else’s effort.”

-Chrisantha Hermanson

-Christina Zempel